Matthew R. Hodges, PhD
1998 - BA, Carleton College, Northfield, MN
2004 - PhD, Physiology, MCW, Milwaukee, WI
2006-2009: Parker B. Francis Fellow, Yale University School of Medicine
2009 - Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology
2016-2022: Associate Professor, Department of Physiology
2022-present: Professor with Tenure, Department of Physiology
2024-present: Named MCW Eminent Scholar
Hubert (Bert) V. Forster, PhD
Gary C. Mouradian, Jr., PhD
Denise Cook-Snyder, PhD
Lab Staff
Suzanne Neumueller (BS University of Wisconsin-Madison) - Lab Manager for Hodges and Forster Labs
John (Jack) DeSalvo (BS Carthage College) - Lab Technician
Current PhD students
Melissa Eilbes - senior graduate student focused on characterizing cardiorespiratory dysfunction and SUDEP-like death events induced by repeated seizures in novel rat models of epilepsy
Paloma G. Bittencourt-Silva - a visiting PhD student from Dr. Glauber S.F. da Silva’s Lab (Dpto. de Fisiologia e Biofisica, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Brazil. Paloma is supported by a competitive grant from the Brazilian government to study abroad.
Moniece Lowe - 2nd year graduate student - project focuses on role of resident immune cells in the brain on cardiorespiratory control dysfunction with repeated seizures
Reiauna Taylor - 2nd year graduate student - project focuses on high-dose fentanyl effects and testing known and novel countermeasures to reverse respiratory dysfunction in goats
Luke Zangl - 1st year graduate student (MSTP student) - project focuses on characterizing the effects of repeated seizures in kcnj16 mutant SD rats
Dr. Clarissa Muere
Former Postdoc. Fellow
Clarissa Muere, PhD
BSc, Unicersity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
PhD, Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
After her time as a Post-doctoral Fellow in the Hodges Lab, Clarissa worked in Technology Transfer at Vanderbilt University and is now a Biotech professional in Nashville, TN.
Former Graduate Students (Hodges Lab)
Gary Mouradian, Jr. (PhD Awarded 2014), Parker B. Francis Fellowship and AHA Career Development Awardee. Now an Assistant Professor of Physiology at MCW.
Madeleine Puissant MD, PhD is currently an Emergency Medicine Physician. NIH T32 Predoctoral Training Grant Appointee and 2016 Excellence in Physiology Awardee
Anna Manis (PhD Awarded 2021), NIH F31 Awardee (2019-2021), 2022 Excellence in Physiology Awardee. Former Postdoc at UCSF.
Matthew Dillard (PhD Awarded 2023), NIH T32 Predoctoral Training Grant Appointee. Successfully defended thesis 3/27/2023. Now a Research Associate at MCW.
Wasif Osmani - PhD awarded 2024. NIH F30 Predoctoral Fellowship Awardee (2021 - present).
Former Co-mentored Students (Forster Lab)
Kirstyn Grams (Buchholz) - former NIH F31 Predoctoral Fellowship Awardee (2021-2023) successfully defended her thesis ans is now a post-doc at the U. of Utah.
Nick Burgraff (PhD Awarded 2021), now a post-doc at Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA, and a world-famous podcaster
Thomas Langer III (PhD Awarded 2017, MD awarded 2021), now an Anesthesiology Resident at MCW
Clarissa Muere (PhD Awarded 2014), now in Technology Transfer Vanderbilt U.
Justin Miller (PhD Awarded 2013), Instructor, Carthage College
Former Medical Students
Katie Krause, MD, PhD, currently a Neurosurgeon, Tacoma, WA
Kara Kaplan, MD (BS, University of Madison) Hospitalist, Newark, OH
Safak Torun, Koc University (Istanbul, Turkey) summer 2017
Former Lab Technicians
Madeline Tabor (BS Marquette University). Currently a Medical Student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Grace Hilbert (BS Creighton University). Currently a Medical Student at Midwestern University
Neil Rohde, BA Lakeland University
Ashley Eckert (BS, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, MS, Medical College of Wisconsin)
Bonit Gill (BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison; DO, Marion University). Rheumatology Fellow, MCW
Gabe Thuku (BS, University of Wisconsin-Parkside).
Nnamdie Uche (BS, University of Nebraska; PhD, MCW). now a post-doc at Northwestern University.
Erin Duffy, (BS, MS, University of Nebraska). Currently at 10x Genomics.
Nicole Buiter (BS Wisconsin Lutheran College) - PhD student (Mouradian Lab) at MCW
Alex Gallo (BS University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh) - PhD student at MCW
Missy and Kirstyn (along with fellow PhD student Lukas Brandt) recruiting at Experimental Biology 2022 in Philadelphia, PA
Undergraduate/High School Students
Donovan Burris, Marquette University High School
Madeline Hodges, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School
Grace Hodges, Divine Savior Holy Angels High School
Luke Ehlert, Carthage College (PURE)
Edward Lozinski, Carrol University (PURE)
Benyapa Khowpinitchai, Carrol University (PURE)
Amanda Mui, Kettle Moraine High School (SUPREMES)
Madeline Kilby, St. Thomas University (PURE)
Samuel O'Melia, Marquette University (SPUR)
Ryan Gorzek (HS; PhD student UCLA)
Benjamin Massat, Carthage College (APS Summer Fellowship)
Ebony Carson, UW-Madison (DSHREP)
Inongo Agbormbai, Towson University (DSHREP)
Tyler Novotny, UW-Whitewater (SPUR)
Melvishia Jenkins, Fisk University (DSHREP)
Jennifer John, Carthage College (SPUR)
Pheonix Logan, UW-Madison (DSHREP)
Scholastica Njoroge, Carthage College (PURE)
Matt gets his PhD working in Bert Forster’s Lab (2004)
Dr. Gary Mouradian receives his PhD (2014)
Dr. Madeleine Puissant receives her PhD (2015)
Dr. Matthew Dillard receives his PhD (2023)
Dr. Wasif Osmani receives his PhD (2024)